As per office memorandum of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment* the PwD candidates who are visually impaired OR dyslexic (severe) OR have disability in the upper limbs OR have lost fingers / hands thereby preventing them from properly operating the Computer Based Test platform may avail the services of a scribe (amanuensis).
As per the office memorandum of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment** candidates with less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing may avail the services of a scribe (amanuensis). These candidates would also be governed by Clause 15 of Information Brochure. These candidates would also be required to upload the requisite certificate duly signed by a competent Medical Authority**.
Candidates who desire to avail the services of a scribe need to opt for this during the online registration of JEE (Advanced) 2025.
The scribe will help the candidate only in reading the questions and/or keying in the answers as per the directions of the candidate. A scribe will NEITHER explain the questions NOR suggest any solutions.
To avail the services of scribe, the candidate should request the Chairperson, JEE (Advanced) 2025, of the nearest Zonal Coordinating IIT in the prescribed format (FORM-SCRIBE-I/FORM-SCRIBE-II, whichever is applicable). The requisition, along with a copy of the PwD certificate (FORM-PwD (II)/FORM-PwD (III)/FORM-PwD (IV), whichever is applicable) OR copy of the certificates of Dyslexic Candidate (FORM-DYSLEXIC-1 and FORM-DYSLEXIC-2, whichever is applicable), OR copy of the certificate (FORM-DISABILITY AND HAVING DIFFICULTY IN WRITING) for the person with specified disability covered under the definition of Section 2 (s) of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition of Section 2(r) of the said Act, i.e. persons having less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing, must be uploaded at the time of online registration for JEE (Advanced) 2025. The formats for the request letter and PwD/Dyslexic are given in Annexure-II: CERTIFICATE FORMATS of Information Brochure. The formats for the request letter, and person with less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing certificate are also given in Annexure-II: CERTIFICATE FORMATS of Information Brochure.
Zonal coordinating IITs will make necessary arrangements, through the Test Centre Administrator (TCA) of the Examination Centre, to provide a panel of scribes (amanuenses). Scribes will be students of Class XI from the science stream with Mathematics as one of the subjects. The PwD/dyslexic (severe)/ persons having less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing candidate has to choose a scribe from this panel. The candidates will NOT be allowed to bring their own scribes.
The candidate will be allowed to meet the panel of scribes one day prior to the examination i.e. May 17, 2025 (Saturday) in the presence of the IIT Representatives (IRs), Test Centre Administrator (TCA), and an Invigilator, and choose any one of the scribes.
*Reference: F.No. 34-02/2015-DD-III dated August 29, 2018
**Reference: F. No. 29-6/2019-DD-III dated August 10, 2022
If it is found at any stage that a candidate has availed the services of a scribe and/or availed the compensatory time, but does not possess the requisite extent of disability, and/or does not have difficulty in writing, that warrants the use of a scribe and/or grant of compensatory time, the candidate will be excluded from the process of evaluation, ranking, and admission. In case such a candidate has already been admitted to any IIT, the admission of the candidate will be cancelled.